


08-19-2013, 12:01 AM
welp, morphine's gonna put her vag up for rent one last time and pop out a litter sired by creedance. as with the seraphim/morphine litter, these puppies will be raised to know no love for anyone (including their family, only pure devotion towards them) and will only recognize love for bloodshed and power. both parents will raise these children, and both morphine and creedance are far from pleasant creatures so the personalities for these babies can range from chaotic neutral to chaotic evil. each puppy will retain the surname "elysius" and may be whatever gender you would like. however, roams and i have chosen names for these puppies already as well as designs.

[Image: 2il28zt.png]

female names ? phoebe / aura / pandora / selene / styx

male names ? vicodin / novocain / chaos / cerberus / crius / acheron

(there are no specific genders for each design, so each can be either male or female. also, the little dots by each design are what colors the eyes are, and if there are two, they can either be one of each color or dual-toned.)

right now, we're just looking to see if anyone would actually be interested in adopting out one of these kids before we decide how big we want this litter to be. it will at least be two because both roams and i will be playing one, but yeah other than that, we don't know. so if you would actually apply to have one of these kids, please respond below saying so. c: