
Bearly Alive

Spring seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
01-01-2022, 01:09 AM

Avacyn trotted along beside her father, taking in the sights and changes in the scenery as they went. When they first left the island behind she had been less than thrilled about leaving the place that they had come to know and love, but once they began to travel she was reminded of the first big move they had made to go to the island in the first place and how exciting it had been to see the various different terrains along the way. She did not remember that trip very clearly, but she did remember the feeling of adventuring and going these places with her parents and brother for the first time. She did not remember the last trip being so tiring, but she also had mostly stuck to riding on her father's back during that first trip as well. Now that she was a bit older and taller she felt a bit silly asking her father to carry her... though she did strongly consider it as her paws slowly became more and more sore.

When her father spoke and disrupted the quiet of their walk she looked up at him, their matching obsidian eyes meeting as a smile pulled across her face. She could have gone with the others and most likely could have ridden in the cart if she had really wanted to avoid all of this walking, but staying behind with her father to spend some time with him and keep him company felt like it was worth the extra effort. "Of course, daddy," she said in response when he thanked her for keeping him company and making the trip less lonely, making her white tipped tail wag gently in response. Before she could say anything else a sudden roar from a cave they were passing stopped them and her ears perked with curiosity at the sound.

The massive, deformed and infected bear that came lumbering out made her ears flick back and a frown pull at her lips. She had thought that perhaps the rest of the world had healed around the same time that her father, uncle, and herself had, but it seemed that was not the case. The dead, lifeless look in its eyes made her stomach turn uneasily. She did not care to think about the fact that the same mushrooms that grew from its ears and undoubtedly played a large part in its current condition were at one time growing from her as well. The only difference was that she had been able to recover from it and come out on the other side mostly unscathed while this beast clearly did not.

She gave a nod when her father instructed her to stay away from its front, already knowing to do just that. She was not nearly as reckless as her brother—she was not going to dive into a fight with a massive, crazed bear. She started slowly slipping off to the side while her dad began pulling its attention so that she eventually ended up behind the bear while her father prodded it on and dodged its swipes. Avacyn watched its movements carefully for a bit and waited for an opening before she eventually lunged forward, ducking down as she jumped toward its side to strike before it noticed she was there. Luckily its reaction time and awareness of its surroundings was greatly depleted so it gave her plenty of time to land a hard blow on their opponent. She reached under the bear with teeth and claws, tearing quickly into its soft belly until it was spilling blood freely, hearing it roar in pain as she jumped back and out of the way before it could retaliate. She quickly took several hops back to give some space between her and the bear.

WC: 633
Total: 1263/1500

"Avacyn Mendacium"