
The Usual (Post-Raid Healing)



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-01-2022, 04:48 PM

The fight was over and the raiders had been repelled from their lands. The Hallows stood victorious against the enemies in the night! Romulus was still reveling in the adrenaline and high of their victory when he escorted Lillith back into the castle and down to the infirmary where the healers were already setting up a triage unit to rapidly help the injured fighters. Fortunately for them both, they were both healers themselves and wouldn't need to use up anyone's time taking care of themselves. He'd managed to get away with only a few bumps and shoves, but Lil had taken a brunt of a fight all on her own. There was blood on her foreleg where the pirate had managed to bite her, but compared to some of the other warriors, she'd gotten away mostly unscathed.

Roman returned her grin while they walked together through the infirmary, the silver and slate brute pausing long enough to grab one of the triage kits and bring it with them over to the bed in the corner. He allowed Lillith to use his body to help her up onto the bed and take weight off of her ankle, unwrapping the kit and already pulling out the antiseptic salve and meadowsweet, offering her the painkiller while he began to dab his paw in the salve to apply to her injury. "You were amazing out there tonight, y'know," he commented while he rubbed the salve carefully over and around the bite on her elbow. "What the hell even was that thing you were fighting? Some sort of hairless leper wolf?" He was trying to make light humor with his girlfriend, hoping to distract her from the sting of the antiseptic while he treated her. Once he got the bleeding under control, he'd take a look at her ankle.
