
what wounds can mend, the heart will follow

healing seasonal



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
01-01-2022, 07:16 PM

[Image: daqb2ha-264d41d0-8bab-4611-883a-0e44d490...uxghdWN4CY]

Expressions were not lost to Audra as she noticed the ghostly woman's frown. In truth, she was still getting accustomed to the loss of her sight. While not fully blind, it was still with some difficulty that she had crossing over certain terrains. It wouldn't do her any good to stay locked away in the castle for eternity for the sake of being safe. Exploring was her second favorite hobby as it allowed her to see the land for what it was. She wasn't going to let her trauma stop her. Mulling over her actions, an ear turned toward the healer as their encounter began to unfold.

There is a softness around her features that Audra can't help but feel drawn toward. The ethereal presence of the white-coated woman standing before her was almost ghostly. How could she have been so lucky to cross paths with one such as her? She can tell by the twinging expression on the woman's face that the sight of her dead eye wasn't common. How could it be? That coated figured she'd come across hadn't been heard of before - at least to her. She had been the only one so far she had seen with such a deformity as herself.

Inhaling sharply as her slim face turned back to look at Kiyo, Audra attempted to smile gently. Truth be told, it was hard as her body trembled with anticipation and fear. Was there really a cure? Did this other woman have an idea on how to fix it? Even with the crystals coating her lips and ears, the pain felt dull in comparison to her hope of feeling relief. When Kiyo did ask to take a look at her eye, Audra nodded lightly as she closed her good eye briefly. "I haven't allowed anyone to yet, but if you perhaps can help, I won't deny you the chance," her soft voice trembles like her body does as she takes a few steps closer to Kiyo.

Tilting her face so that Kiyo could attempt a better look at her face, Audra almost flinched herself. "I have tried to examine it myself, but the surface of the water is not very helpful," she tried to keep the conversation light. Smiling in an awkward fashion, she scooted closer so that she was within inches of the other wolf. A warm sensation of calming scents flowed from their packs, mingling together as her body relaxed. Surely, she wouldn't be in harm's way if she allowed this woman to examine it. "My name is Audra, by the way. I reside within the Hallows, but they are mostly filled with fighters and scouts," Audra admits with an uneasy sigh. Of course, she was more than grateful that Artorias and the Hallows welcomed her with open warms, but how was she to learn if no one was there to help teach her? "If you have any suggestions on what I can do to help my sight, please," the desperation returns now as she closes her lips and prevents any blood to be spilled from her skin.

word count: 2530ish/1500