
a long-awaited miracle

laeta walks!


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-01-2022, 10:41 PM

Fern had risen before the sun, putting in her daily sword training before returning to the castle for breakfast. After a quick bite, Fern returned to the room that she shares with Rudy. Taking time, the gray girl stows her training armor and wooden sword before moving to poke Puff awake. The small stoat squeaks in displeasure, making a show with an exaggerated stretch and loud yawn. Rolling her ocean hued eyes, Fern again pokes Puff and says, “Hey come on. I let you let you sleep in today. We have work to do.” Puff grumbles her annoyance before nodding and leaving her basket. The small stoat quickly climbs the gray girl’s leg and takes her spot between the wolf’s shoulders. Stretching up the back of Fern’s neck, Puff says, “Alright. Let’s get this patrol over with.”

With a roll of her eyes, Fern leaves the room and starts up the stairs to the third floor, aiming to make her way up to the tower. Since she has started to patrol the borders, Fern has learned that the tower offers a great vantage point to inspect the land before starting. With quick, fluid movements, Fern and Puff make it to the landing on the third floor. As she moves to take the next flight of stairs, a sound causes the gray girl to pause. The sound of nails scrapping on the floor, pulls the curious girl’s attention toward the corridor on the right. Puff speaks up, saying rather loudly, “I thought we have things to do.” Huffing an annoyed sigh, Fern replies in a much softer tone, “I just want to make sure everyone is alright.”

She is still new to the Hallows and has neglected getting to know her packs mates. Training and exploring the blossoming romance between her and Rudy has taken up all of her time. So, when Fern pokes her head around the corner of the hall, she is taken completely taken by surprise at the sight before her. A smaller wolf makes her wobbly way down the corridor, appearing like a new born foal testing its legs. A badger with ruby claws and a monocle stands on one side of the wolf, acting as a brace for the weak and unsteady woman. Fern hurries toward the pair down the hall, calling out, “Hey there. Can I offer you some help? You look a little… shaky.” Offering the duo a smile, the gray girl aims to move to the wolf’s other side and offer her bigger frame to learn against… if she wants the help.

The wolf looks older than Fern but it appears like she is new to walking. The small stoat on Fern’s neck peers over at the smaller wolf and her badger saying, “What happened to you? You don’t look so good. Did that badger have something to do with it?” Gray eyebrows shoot up as Fern quickly speaks up, apologizing for her friend, “Puff! That is not a nice thing to ask! I am really sorry about Puff. She doesn’t seem to have a filter between her brain and mouth!” Chuckling lightly, Fern will go on to say, “My name’s Fern by the way. Are two alright? Can I help you with anything?” The gray girl offers her body for support and is willing to help walk the wolf anywhere she would like to go.


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.