
give me love


08-19-2013, 12:47 AM

The male was fairly used to dealing with different wolves of different personalities, whether they be shy over overly flamboyant like he himself usually was he generally had no issues communicating with them. He was pretty skilled in matching his energy level to that of his company but yes, there were defiantly days that he found himself back peddling, worrying and doubting himself. They were never the best days but he had learned at a young age that you couldn?t be best friends with everyone?He noticed her relax visibly and in return a smile spread across his features. He knew how good it felt to talk about your problems, even if it was with a complete stranger. He would remember to offer his services again some time if they got along well enough. He had always liked listening to other peoples problems and troubles, he got a strange sense of gratification from helping them sort through them. It probably wasn?t the healthiest hobby to have but hey, if it worked it worked right?

He had to applaud her bow, most wolves weren?t nearly as graceful as she, though he ended up simply grinning at her as she straightened herself and looked at him again. He chuckled as she returned his compliment, raising a forepaw and pressing it to his chest in mock bashfulness. In truth he loved being complimented, but then again who didn?t? Her tail waved easily above her back, a friendly and inviting gesture if he did say so himself, and he returned the motion with a tail wave of his own though his remained licking at his heels. This was her home still and he was just a visitor, he had to show some respect still. She moved closer to him until she was directly at his side and he could feel the heat of her body against his. Her words though were a bit shocking and he couldn?t help but allow the surprise to spread across his features. ?Who would dare willingly dismiss you from their company?? He asked, tone appalled almost. He listened to her, the ear closest to her turned in her direction so she would know that she had his full attention. ?Well Gargoyle almost tried to eat us last time we came here? That was pretty fun!? He said with a chuckle, remembering seeing the beast of a man charging at them and ready for battle. Maverick had responded admirably?

?I find myself the same though I was groomed to be an ambassador from a young age so I can put on a serious face when needed.? This time his words were followed by a wink. She was cute, and thus far a pleasure to speak to so he was already quite glad that he had felt it was time to speak with Glaciem once more. Of course he would have to go back eventually and tell Maverick about what had happened to their once ally but for now he would enjoy the company of this beautiful woman until she was tired of him and they were forced to part ways. ?So, Eria, Tell me about yourself. Are you from these lands originally? And what brought you to Glaciem?? He asked conversationally, head tipped and turned slightly towards her so he could still watch where he was going
