
Trails and Trials [AW Hunt]



6 Years

01-02-2022, 04:32 PM

She'd gotten turned around. It was hard to know exactly which way was here or there, but Sanngriðr had lost track of the north. While she could easily orient herself to the east or west, it was north to south that had given her trouble. Not that she'd admit it aloud, but the girl was... lost? Not lost. No, not lost, because lost was weakness. She'd simply gotten turned around. That was the way she'd put it, at least to herself.

Above the trees, the presence of a raven. Near subconsciously, Sanngriðr found herself tracking in that direction. A pied raven... unsettling. To her people, the ravens were an omen. The black ravens, the white ravens... never the pied ravens. She'd seen them only once, when she was farther north. Much farther north. Maybe Sanngriðr was headed in the right direction? If the bird was a northern creature, then this direction was for the best. No, the raven wasn't an omen-- she wasn't her brother, who'd believe something like that. It could be a good marker for her direction, though.

The valkyrie lost sight of it among the trees, though. She moved down the path with a lazy jog. The day was still young, and she didn't need to worry. With her long (at least comparatively to her figure) legs and confident steps, Sanngriðr seemed to eat the ground beneath her, even with her lackadaisical pace. It wasn't until moments too late that she saw the man, who'd been moving along with careful silence. "Helvete," she cursed, pulling herself from the path at what may have been the last possible moment. Into the ditch at the side she stepped, losing her balance in the process. "Ursäkta mig," Sanngriðr apoligized, grumbling to herself as she did. From her stumble she righted herself, gaze flickering to the stranger.

Kom och hata mig.

Translation notes:
Helvete literally translates to hell, but is a more one size fits all cuss word
Ursäkta mig is just excuse me, contextually it's an apology