
can i offer you an egg in this trying time?



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5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipPride - LesbianAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverBy the skin of my teethOverachieverSnake EyesCritical Fail!
01-02-2022, 04:50 PM
Word count: 303

Ophie had been thinking a lot lately about what sort of healer she'd like to be. She'd received loads of really helpful lessons from a bunch of really smart people but...try as she might she just didn't feel like a herb and potion sort of healer. The names and uses never stuck in her mind and the thought of doing lasting damage was more than enough to make her hesitate and avoid trying anything practical. Just in case. But maybe...maybe there was another form of healing she could excel at. A strong and healthy body was important, but what of the mind? Ophie knew better than most how easy it was to fall into self destructive habits, that it was a deep and dark spiral with no end in sight.

"Having someone to talk to is important." She announced to Robert Bobbin the Dread Robin as he hopped alongside her, red breast puffed up and proud as always. She liked it here, felt unseen amongst the shadowy willows. "But I don't think Fatalis' are very good at talking. It's not a warrior thing to do; talk about your feelings. Show weakness." Which was maybe why she didn't slot in very well with the rest. Was too soft and feely.

Robert tweeted an angry little toot, no doubt agreeing with the general Fatalis sentiment. He didn't like lingering on feelings either, most likely because he was merely a little red ball of rage.

Ophie shot him a look and was quick to insist:"I think it might help though. Everyone still seems so...tired. I just wanna help, even if only a little."

She'd probably need some practice though, take a little time to learn a good bedside manner and an emphatic nod. Yes yes, I understand how you feel, please continue, sort of deal.

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