
Let The Sun Touch My Face [AW]



Advanced Healer (70)

Advanced Fighter (70)

4 Years

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantIt's a Miracle
01-02-2022, 06:57 PM

She scrunched her face as Ardyn explained how to easily light a fire, the tip of her tongue poking from her mouth as she concentrated on trying to remember it all. This was a long day of learning new things, and undoubtedly she would most likely forget majority of it. But perhaps she would remember the most important parts. Her tail wagged when he mentioned a few medicinal plants she did know, noticeable the Yarrow and Poppy, those were ones she knew what to do with at the very least. However the clay pot he opened had a sharp and unfamiliar smell, and she found herself drawing closer to sniff deeply at the sweet fragrance. "I'm guessing you get into a lot of trouble then, huh?"

Inoki prodded the packet that contained the Yarrow with a paw, raising her brows at Ardyn. "So how would one go about making a tea wash out of this?" Teas were not her area of expertise, but she knew most needed to be steeped for a certain amount of time to make it effective, whether or not it was to be drunk or poured over a body part. "And how much should be used of this one so both of us drink enough for it to work properly?" Her paw moved to the packet with the Poppy, giving it a gentle tap. It would depend on how concentrated the herbs in the packet were, but perhaps it would be as simple as using one packet and only taking a few small sips each. And as for the liquid in the cay pot well, she'd probably leave that up to him to use, given he had much better dexterity with his more fancy toes.