
Keep Holding On


08-19-2013, 04:37 AM

a scornful chuckle exited her maw, her body quivering with the movement the sound contributed. ebony form, straining under the weight of her half siting form, damn, did she need rest, a meal, and to be anywhere but here. "Cannibals? I fear nothing, I'm sure spite alone would keep them at bay." Tone would be light, almost joking. Damn... she was joking about her own fate? when the ivory wolf before her introduced herself, an eyebrow would raise, nearly giving precedence to her disbelief of the wolf's title.

"You're Morphine? You were pretty infamous, when I joined Tortuga, and to be honest, I pictured you to be a bit taller." Her tone would be light, conversational, her height comment not meaning to be antagonizing, rather, giving light to the defiant persona that hid underneath her dark fur. On her own, at good health she stood at about thirty four inches, she wasn't huge by any means, but larger than the ivory dame before her.

"Not that your height matters to me one way or another. You could be a damned runt for all I care or a giant. That defines little about you, and little do I know of you, Morphine Imperial Queen of Tortuga." A flick of her ears, and she would open her jaws a final time to introduce herself, "Juno. I'd say prematurely it's a pleasure, but I'd say time would be a better guess as to whether meeting you is a pleasure or not."
