
Just relaxing



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-03-2022, 12:11 AM
The reindeer had definitely seen her, so sneaking away unnoticed was no longer an option, and it proceeded to watch her warily, if not more boldly than most herbivores would. But given it's larger size, she supposed it was used to being larger and more imposing than the average reindeer. It spoke to her, and she simply canted her muzzle to the side in response, a new curious glint in her icy blue eyes. Most herbivores chose not to speak to predators, or couldn't even, and she found herself now more curious about the reindeer than anything else. Had she been hungry she might've still considered calling her cousins and harassing it to maybe get a meal, but as it was her belly was full, and instead she simply watched it silently.
It continued to speak, almost taunting her with its dry and humourless tone, and had she been more of a fiery spirited wolf Iðunn might risen to the bait and thrown a snide comment of her own right back at it. Instead she moved so her body wasn't shrouded behind the large redwood tree, and sat beside it as she gazed at the reindeer, a slight upwards curl to her lips. "Reindeer usually flee at the sight of a wolf," she said, her words thick with her native accent. It seemed the two were at a bit of an impasse, neither acting as most creatures of their species would, but sometimes that made for a far more interesting day.
"Where is the rest of your..." her voice trailed off as she scrunched her nose in thought, trying to think of the common tongue equivalent of the word she had in mind. "Herd?" The Swedish word rolled smoothly off her tongue, even as she sat there, trying to think of the correctly translated term, but it wasn't coming to mind and she instead resorted to simply asking the reindeer. "What is the word for a group of herbivores again? I seem to have forgotten it." Today seemed to be one of the bad days where she struggled more than usual in translating from her native language, but she held no insecurities from asking the herbivore what the proper word to use was. Shame was not often an emotion she felt.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish