

Lia / Seasonal <3



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
01-03-2022, 03:20 AM (This post was last modified: 01-03-2022, 03:20 AM by Halo. Edited 1 time in total.)

Briar was leaving soon, and Lia would be going with her. Halo didn’t necessarily want to admit it aloud, but it made her more than a little sad. Sirius had sent the handmaiden to her on the very first full day she’d had among the Armada, and through that, she’d been her first friend within the pack. It left her a bit heavy in the chest to see the girl go… but it was her duty. Halo knew the order of things, but she couldn’t help but be a little sad about it too.

The tenderhearted girl had helped prepare the dyes for the two year olds’ birthday gifts, and she figured there would be some sort of celebration fast approaching. Halo was no good at parties, and tended to be anxious around crowds. Heck, she was anxious about the idea of there even being a party on the horizon. At least she knew that within the Armada she’d be safe… they’d all be safe. Still. Still, it was hard to wrap her head around.

In the bustle of it all, Halo had made Lia a going away gift too. A small, tightly braided band of cord, dyed red and golden to match her friend’s pretty coat. It was leftover rawhide from the splinting kits that Halo had spent time building, but she’d taken the time to treat it until it became soft and pliable, and easy to work with. That combined with the coloring process had left it in a texture that she figured would be nice enough to wear.

They were going to The Hallows, and Halo had one more thing to send with Lia. A small, neatly packaged bundle, wrapped in yet another scrap from her splint making endeavor. The dried bark of the white willow trees, some of Halo’s stash for her friend. It was good to have on hand, and she had more than enough. She’d ask Lia to take it to Audra, in hopes that it would make her friend’s life a little easier.

With careful steps, Halo crossed to the area where Briar and Mortis’s dens were. Lia would be around here, right? She carefully carried the two tidy packages over, not wanting them to come unwrapped in transit. “Idalia?” Halo called out softly. “Are you in?” Well… it may have been a silly question. If she answered she was in, if she didn’t then she was probably out. Halo was still no good at making the first approach. Still, the pale girl’s tail wagged. She was friendly, after all.

WC: 427
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