
Feed The Hungry




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-03-2022, 04:39 AM
The steps of the behemoth of a wolf were surprisingly nearly silent as he moved over the smooth stone ground. The hunter had long ago learned how to move as shadow when he needed to, and frequent use had made that his default method of movement. Sitka prowled through the Stone Steppe with practiced ease, going nowhere in particular. One benefit of not having somewhere to hang his hat was that everywhere was his home. Wherever he happened to stop and camp for the night, that was his refuge until he moved on. It was a life of total freedom and liberty, defunct of any monotony or morality and law. He decided what he wanted, when he wanted it, and how he got it. And right now, he wanted whatever was at the other end of that inviting scent trail.

He’d smelled her long before he saw her. The young fae's heat was like a beacon in the approaching night. Sure, Sitka could have taken the easy route and simply gone to find Lorikeet again if he wanted to get his rocks off, but there was nothing quite like a romp in the hay with a lady in her season. And if things worked out well, they’d both share a very pleasant evening together. If not… well, Sitka always got his in the end, one way or another.

The tricolored brute found his quarry sitting and watching the fading sunset while twilight and dusk took over the skies in rich indigo hues. Steel blue eyes studied her for a moment. With that stupid cloak on, he couldn’t exactly get a good look at her. All he could tell was that she was a couple inches shorter than him. That worked just fine for the hunter. Putting on his best charming rogue smile, he stalked closer to her, giant paws softly shuffling the grass beneath him with every step. "Good evenin’," he called out as he came closer, silently urging her to look at him so he could get a better look at what he was working with tonight. "I was wonderin’ who that delectable smell was. Looks like I came in the nick of time. A little lady like yourself shouldn’t have to be alone at night." The smile he flashed her way was almost predatory, the gleam in his steely eyes mirthful while he waited to see how she’d choose to play their little game.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.