
The Hangover

Lillith, Ulric



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-03-2022, 01:29 PM
Lillith grinned at Romulus as he stood at the edge of her bed, and her attention was torn from his features as Ulric slipped into her room with the supplies that he had promised. The girl smiled sheepishly at her father, still mortified that he’d had to find her in this state. Despite that though, he was still taking care of her because she was still his little girl. He brought them both water to help with dehydration and a few plants that she thought would help rather well in their recovery. Had her father once found himself in a similar situation. All of a sudden a situation she thought would pull them apart somehow made her feel closer to her dad as he explained everything displayed. Lil finally met his silvery gaze as Ulric only gave them one command, to get some rest. "Thank you, Dad.” She answered just as softly as he slipped out the door and closed it behind him.

Romulus had already been busy partitioning the herbs, dividing them according to each weight. He didn’t waste any time in consuming them, but Lil’s belly had her pausing a long moment before she got them down and chased the bitter tasting plants with the waterskin flavored water that washed down her throat. She took a deep breath and let the pouch drop to the floor as her attention easily focused on Roman as he pulled himself into the bed.

Once he was settled Lil scooted closer, accepting the invitation into his embrace. She pressed herself against him curling into his body as one arm draped over his chest. Lillith could feel the gentle thrum of his heart and despite the headache she smiled as she settled in perfectly beside him. Finally, they were snuggled in bed, it was dark, they were hydrated. There wasn’t anything else Lil wanted except maybe for her headache to go away.

Roman’s words rumbled through his chest as he reminded her, despite the hangover, he didn’t regret a moment. "Definitely worth it.” She giggled pitifully as he gazed down at her with striking moonsilver eyes. She could barely see him in the dark but there was no mistaking his smile. "I love you too, Roman.” Lil returned sweetly, her emotions evident in every word she said. She hadn’t ever felt such a great love before as she did for the one who held her. "Now and forever,” She went on to confess, Lil wanted him like this for the rest of their lives.
