
I know who I want to take me home


08-19-2013, 08:51 AM

Two toned gaze turned upon the angry pup as she spoke out, claiming this to be her home. "You're home? This is my fathers home!" Inky lips curled back over her fangs, ebony pelt bristling along her spine. She didn't stand a chance against the two other pups in her current state and she knew it, but that didn't mean she had to roll over for them.

Quickly they were both reprimanded by their father. Heirs? Is this why her parents had left? Someone else had taken Tortuga from her father? Someone else had taken her throne? She recalled the conversations of her father being leader of the pack, her mother however was not. She had always known that she would take over one day, it was destined.

Midnight ears slide forward when Seraphim began speaking in regards to her. He would take care of her, would teach her how to survive. Ever so slowly her tail wagged behind her, the only sign of her pleasure. What do you say? The question was meant for her, crown tilted up to meet his gaze, a shy smile gracing her features. "I would like that a lot. Thank you." She ignored the glares from the siblings. It was clear they weren't fond of the idea, but she didn't care. This was her chance and she was going to take it.

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