
Far From Home



03-03-2013, 05:37 PM
Quote:She sat there for a while in silence, the only sounds to disrupt the quiet being those made naturally by the skittering, hidden creatures who roamed the forest and the tall, dry grasses that stretched off ahead of her toward the field and the structure. Odd as everything looked, as strange as it all seemed to her, it did have an eerie sense of quiet that drew her to it, made her think that it might have been a nice place to stay around when she needed some peace and quiet. Though the chance of that happening was very slim; the Glaciem territory was a very long distance away.

Something sounded as if it was scurrying a little more heavily through the undergrowth, perhaps a particularly plump rabbit, but when she heard the sound of someone grunting, a soft noise of announcement, Mercianne knew she had been mistaken. Her single ear that had turned atop her head in first response to the sound turned fully with the other upon this realization, and the other followed swiftly to rest against the back of her head rather than merely listen. She turned her head to look at the golden colored stranger as he spoke to her, listening to his assurances that she was safe in his company while instinct had her rising to her paws and dropping into a submissive crouch. Could it be true? She wanted very much to believe him, and so she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

His smile was reassuring. Gentle, it did not overpower her or attempt to coax her forcefully out of the comfort zone that she tended to keep. It was...nice. Ears still pressed toward her head, the timid white wolf managed to smile a little at the stranger, attempting to match the friendly expression that he exuded in her own shy way. Her tail wagged faintly against the backs of her legs, her dark brown eyes shifting upward to glance swiftly at his blue ones before setting somewhere on the ground between them. "I'm...I'm Mercianne," she managed to respond after a little stumbling start, still a little uncomfortable in the presence of someone that she had only just met and hoping that things would go well.

-- mercianne