


08-19-2013, 09:55 AM

One day she knew that she would have to bite the bullet and eventually ask a stranger for help, to get them to teach her to hunt though once again that came with particular difficulties when one didn't speak. Maybe that was why she felt so attached to Aeron, they seemed to be on the same wave length thought wise and it was helpful. It didn't leave her as frustrated as not being able to communicate her thoughts and needs normally did. She would have to find him soon, she had only seen him in passing since their meeting with the big yearling named Basilisk. She missed him... Or maybe it was simply the presence of another that she missed, because that main and void that she felt without her brother was slightly lessened with the presence of this male. Though she didn't feel as frustrated with him as she had with Basilisk, though she had a stronger desire to communicate in some way with him. With Basilisk she had also been more focused on her brother, wanting nothing more then to be alone with him at the time so it had left her with a strong anger towards the purple hued male. Here... She simply wanted to speak. Her English to begin with was no where near as strong as her brothers, having only listened to her mother and siblings speak french around her and then on occasion when pack members came to visit she would catch snippets of the English language. As she spent more time out here she began to experience it more but she was still far from fluent in it like she was in french.

The beast eventually lay with her, letting the silence envelope them as she precariously picked at the meal he had so graciously offered her. But as with all animals who spoke and didn't know of her inability to eventually he broke the silence. She continued to chew as he asked for her name and presented her with his own. She swallowed and then folded her ears to her skull, casting her gaze down to the ground beside her. Lips parted and she silently mouthed his name, allowing her tongue to go through the motions of pronouncing it while she repeated it in her mind. His name would do her little to no good in the future other then to mentally put a name to his face. After a moment she looked back up at him, icey gaze meeting his as she tried to will him to understand that words would not be leaving her vocals. Her throat worked, miming the motion of whining but as usual no sound joined the motion. She was simply left watching him, expression downcast and almost ashamed. Her ears remained folded to her skull as she slowly shook her head. She couldn't... She had tried and whether it was because she simply didn't know how or her vocals were in fact broken she didn't know but no sound had come out. Was she broken? This had always been her fear with trying, to try and fail so it had been better for her to simply remain silent and not try at all...
