
Got To Go Faster, Faster... Faster!

Aster Seasonal Skill Prompt



Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
01-03-2022, 06:44 PM
Large, looming red trees climb towards the sky while their roots stay planted firmly in the earth. The trees stretch their branches, reaching out toward each other, creating a dense canopy of leaves that dims the sun’s light and sends shadows dancing about. It is hard to determine the exact time day from the forest floor by the subdued light but the sun is still up and that is all that matters. Under the majesty of these mighty trees, a small donkey makes his way through the forest. With the air still cold, Oscar’s coat has remained the curly fuzz that helps him hold in the heat. This only serves to further annoy the already grumpy donkey as Kyren has taken to poking fun at the ‘fuzzy ass’. Oscar has vowed to make his reindeer friend regret trying to tease him… one day.

For now, he contents himself with finding a good place to forage food for his misfit family, taking the task Mrs. B had given him to heart. The sound of his hooves are muffled by the dead leaves and moss that carpet the forest floor but that doesn’t stop the grumpy ass from finding every stick in the freaking forest and snapping it. Of course, he doesn’t mean to, Oscar just has that kind of luck. Or unluck if there is such a thing. As another twig snaps loudly in the quiet forest the donkey winces at the noise, keeping his eyes peeled for any threatening animals that might try to hunt him. Long ears swivel, trying to listen for paw steps but nothing reaches his ears, so Oscar plods on.

On his butt, Nugget sits fluffed out, head under his wing as he pretends to be sleep. Just then, another branch snaps under his hooves and Nugget pulls his head out from under his wing and says, “Hey! Keep it down, would you? I bet there are plenty of predators out here that would love to get their paws on a small ass!” Huffing an annoyed sigh, Oscar turns his head to tell the rooster, “Oi, I don’t do it on purpose! These… things just like get under my hooves!” His accent thickens with his annoyance at Nugget and the rooster huffs an indigent sigh before repositioning himself on the donkey’s butt, using the hair and fuzz that grows there to anchor himself down. Oscar turns his head back to the front and starts to move again, determined not to hit any more twigs in his path.

A few moments later, another larger, louder stick breaks with an audible ‘snap’ that seems to reverberate on forever. A loud, “FUCK!” chases the sound of the snapping branch through the forest.

Navigation Seasonal Skill Prompt

Post Word Count: 453
Total Word Count: 453
Word Count Goal: 1500

"Oscar" | "Nugget"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby