
the hills have eyes.

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
08-19-2013, 10:20 AM

This feeling was new to Basilisk, and he found himself savoring every second of it, despite the dull ache in his side and bruising he'd accumulated on his chest, side, and foreleg. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and he felt ecstatic at the high. Perhaps this was indeed his calling in life -- to fight, tooth and nail. The faint stench of blood that seemed to surround the duo was no longer nauseating, but instead intoxicating, and he found himself craving it so badly. Still he did not direct his attention to the orange-furred bitch who stood nearby. He knew now who she was, but why she had came here, he was not so sure... he would deal with her later. For now, his attention was focused intently upon Cross, and their colliding bodies.

He knew he had a few options -- to back off, but that had proved stupid earlier; to try to keep himself upright; or try to grab hold of him somehow. He'd taken the safest route, at least in his mind. But alas, how he was mistaken. Basilisk felt the pressure of his opponent's paws on his back. Surprisingly, the male landed -- clinging awkwardly to his back. 'Look!-I'm king a' the world!' He hadn't had so much fun in awhile, and he snarled loudly in protest, though it was more playful than threatening. He wasn't used to horsing around so much; he had never been particularly physical with either of his siblings, so this was new for him.

Knowing he would go down rather quickly if he let Cross continue to -- well, ride around on his back -- he decided to flail about a bit, hoping it would knock the boy off. At the very least, if he went down, Cross would too. He whipped himself around dramatically, finding the movement rather difficult with such a large boy on his back. His felt his spine give in to the attacking boy's weight, but tried to keep his paws planted firmly with each movement. He would try once more, swinging his hips dramatically and whipping his head to the side, hoping desperately it would send Cross toppling to the ground.


Round Four / ? - Cross vs. Basilisk - Freestyle Training

Defenses: paws planted, body moving quickly to knock cross off his back

Attacks: nothing except trying to send him to the ground

Injuries: bite to chest, bruising on right side from falling, nip to upper left front leg, nasty bite to his left side above his rib cage, maybe some soreness from Cross landing on his back
