
You don't need to run



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
01-03-2022, 09:05 PM
What the fuck kind of a name was boneset? He stared silently with a single raised brow at Spirit as the wolf began to describe what it looked like. At least it seemed simple enough to locate, white flowers (or... hair in this case) didn't seem to be that common, and that was coming from a wolf that often didn't focus on the plants he walked by. He'd keep his end of the deal and keep an eye out for anything vaguely white that didn't look like a petal, whatever that was supposed to look like.
Laith prowled after the other male, head lowered as he scanned the plants. It was all green, or brown, or shades in between. No white so far. When Spirit spoke up again he most definitely snickered, unable to keep that one inside. He felt just a tad accomplished at having taken the lead in the other male's first dip into the world of snogging. "Well if you ever want to go a second round and I'm nearby, I'll never say no," he said with a wink at Spirit, devilishly grinning. It was too fun to rile up the soft-spoken wolf, and Laith wanted to see just how much he could make him blush and feel uncomfortable.
Ugh, right the bone... whatever it was called. He'd already forgotten the name. His gaze shifted back to the foliage, eyes squinting as he looked around. Something white peeked out from between a thick bush, and he padded closer to inspect it. The colour looked white enough even with the small splash of pink-ish colour at the ends, and it didn't seem like it had petals but what the fuck did he know about that, so he motioned towards it with a paw. "Is this what you're looking for?"  Little did he know that he was pointing at a small shrub of Ayahuasca.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!