

Bronze i


12 Years
08-19-2013, 11:08 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 11:09 AM by Bronze i.)
note - babies can't be played until tomorrow but wanted to get this up so it was ready <3 only silent & kids please.

It was a beautiful day. Bronze could see the gentle yellow rays of light peeking through the entrance of the den that he shared with his family, slowly rousing them from sleep. Slowly he rolled onto his belly, jaws parting as he yawned silently. Since his children had been born, his life had found entirely new meaning. They were nothing short of miracles, given his age and all he had been through. Slowly his eyes wandered over each one of their rapidly growing bodies, watching as they curled between him and Silent for warmth and comfort. Already they were beginning to talk, beginning to form opinions and develop personalities and he felt himself falling in love with each of them over and over again every day.

Their routine had been basic, but he treasured each day like it might be his last -- and he knew it very well might be. He was too overjoyed to think of such things though, ignoring the fatigue that crept into his bones as autumn drew slower, ignoring the fact that he got tired rather easily after hunting for his family. He would push through for their sakes. Today, though, was even better than yesterday -- he felt wonderful. Young. He stretched his limbs, curling up a bit closer to his babies. What would be in store for them today? Perhaps, if Silent was feeling up for it, they could let the children explore outside the den today? Eager at the prospect of seeing their tiny faces light up with joy, he slowly lapped at the four of them, from one to the other. He remembered painfully how it felt to feel as though he was not his father's favorite, and he was determined to care for them each as equally as he could.