
Let's Kill Tigger!




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022
01-04-2022, 02:29 AM

Tiger? must be a different kind of cat to a lion then. Maybe Halo would help him work out all the differences later. He was just about to reach the sword when he felt a rap of a paw on his head. His knee-jerk reaction was to pull away and duck his head submissively, even if this wolf wasn’t his dad or Uncle. Art further proved his air of authority by scruffing the pup and depositing him on the ground. ‘Aw man’ he muttered with a quiet sigh, knowing authority when he saw it.

He watched and sighed as the giant wolf cleaned and put away the big shiny sword. Lame. maybe his grandpa would let him have one? He’d have to ask the next time he saw him. “Basilisk… sir” he answered, almost unwillingly. Art having moved up from ‘random wolf with a cool sword’ to ‘Figure Of Authority’ He did scrunch up his brows in confusion as the stranger added in ‘figures’ what was that supposed to mean?

He stood without shuffling, some of his restless, reckless energy bleeding away under the eye of someone in charge. Watching as the other wolf checked on an injury on his leg. When had that happened? Bas wasn’t sure. “Yes Sir!” he said, jumping back to his paws as Unknown Wolf Of Authority gave him an order, he did give one last cheeky smile, and then took off running in the grass.

It was pretty easy to find the healer, and tell her that a cool sword-wielding blue wolf of authority needed her to patch up a tiger-wound. He would have come right back, too, and peppered Art with questions, but his dad called his name. There went that plan. Maybe he could find Sword-Wolf again later?


"Basilisk Fatalis"

[Image: 2yUYF9E.png]
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