
--give me your tired, your poor--


02-10-2013, 08:56 PM

Sade remained discomforted by the presence of the beast at the female's feet, hardly relaxing even as she introduced it. Why keep around such a filthy creature known for being irritable and cranky? Either way, she wasn't about to mouth off and cause her future guide to reject her plead.

Turning her attention back to Jupiter, her nerves were quelled slightly by her agreement to show her around these foreign lands, even if she was unable to help locate her pack. ?Do you know where the packs reside? Even if you do not know their names, if you could point me in the right direction to find any of them, I could at least rule out a few locations where my pack may be settled...? she pointed out, hoping the woman may at least be able to help with that. If she couldn't know where Lentajin was, it'd at least be helpful to know where they weren't. It would likely be a bit dangerous for her to wander too near pack lands, being an old leader of one, but she was more than willing to put herself in such a position if it meant eventually finding her pack.

OOC: This is pitifully short and I apologize for that