
Go on, take your money and run

Talon I


4 Years
08-19-2013, 12:15 PM

Things would be okay! Talon was sure of it now, as he watched Euphrosyne's soft green gaze. Her eyes were full of kindness and warmth, and it filled his own heart with joy -- despite the sadness. As a rather introverted boy, he did not generally trust others easily, but Euphrosyne had proved to be genuinely kind and caring. He would trust her with his life, if he had to. And he pretty much was, going to live somewhere with her, with a pack in the north. He could only hope they would be kind wolves, and that he would feel welcome there. But with Euphrosyne, he wasn't sure if he needed anyone else in the world. Except maybe his friend Kangi.

"I'll take care of you, too," he assured her suddenly, not wanting to seem like a mere pup. No -- he was a yearling, having already experienced a full four seasons. It really didn't seem like it, but most of his life hadn't been terribly memorable. His mother had never socialized him much, so it wasn't until now -- now that he had been abandoned -- that he found himself wanting to meet new wolves and explore the world a bit more. "I won't let anyone hurt you." It was probably an unfounded promise, but he would try nonetheless. He owed that to her, at the very least, right?

She offered to find him food, and he nodded. It suddenly became rather clear how hungry he was -- he felt his tummy growling even as he thought about the possibility of eating. He slunk down to his belly, watching Euph as she padded to the river and began to snatch fish out of it. So cool! He couldn't fish quite as well, but he'd been practicing since he'd been on his own. It was much easier than trying to chase -- and often falling -- after rabbits and other rodents. Swimming still was far easier for him than walking. He grinned as she tossed a few fish nearby, and he was quick to pull one toward him and begin to tear at it gently. He was careful as he tore the flesh away, knowing he didn't want to swallow the bones. "Thanks," he mumbled between a bite of fish. He gulped the meat down, looking up at her between bites. "Will we go to our new home after this?" Behind him his tail wagged, looking forward to the change of scenery. It was far too painful to remain here.