
Feed The Hungry




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-04-2022, 11:10 AM

It seemed he had the same idea of siting down and shutting up, or maybe not. Relm turned toward him slightly as he spoke again, her eyes narrowing to his offers. Perhaps her silence wasn't hint enough, though she secretly would have preferred his company rather than no company. Though, those feelings were fading quickly.

She understood what he was offering, but didn't know the feelings herself. She couldn't say she was interested either. "Thanks but no thanks, I've got somewhere to stay." The protection of the band was a little relieving, but not enough. She needed more. But again, she didn't understand what she was after. A friend? A mate? A harem? She would probably never know the answer.

The brute reached forward making every nerve in her skin twinge. Relm didn't like to be touched, not unless she was fighting. And as of more recently, knew she wasn't happy unless she was bleeding. When his paw touched her cloak, she flung her own paw up and around, nearly smacking his paw with her foreleg giving him clear signs of the rejection. She was not playing easy to get, not because of a nervousness for her first time but very simply because of her childhood trauma that made her so cringy. As a young girl she only craved to cuddle up to anyone. She didn't have a mother and Kefka didn't allow her so close to him because of his own maniacal thoughts. This was brought to light by the ghost of Agria, and Relm understood now what her problem was and why. That didn't mean she wanted to fix it though.

Clearly not receptive to his advances, she stood up to face him, her expression at the least not welcoming. "You got some balls to find yourself so highly valuable." She was certainly ready to snap back had he tried again. Funny how terrified she was at the thought of Kefka finding her, but she would so easily stand up to a stranger.
