
How To Have Zoomies And Make New Friends



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
01-04-2022, 05:14 PM
Ricin listens as Hikaru speaks of spirits listening and the pup’s eyes widen in disbelief. The boy’s eyes dart around the area, trying to find any spirits. When the wolf shrugs, the blue pup looks back to Hikaru with thinly veiled hope resting in his crimson eyes. The thought of his father watching over and listening to Ricin offers the heartbroken pup a degree of comfort he did not know he needed. The conversation progresses and Hika gently warns him that speaking of the terrible beasts could make them manifest here. Eyes hidden and the boy’s jaw drops open. Swiftly he says, “Oh no, let’s not do that! There are too many terrible things in the world already!” Ricin adds an emphatic nod to the of his statement as if to show this is the best choice for everyone.

And then… everything changes when Hikaru and Ricin speak of family, the blue pup’s emotions run rampant. With his eyes diverted, the boy tries to regain to control, to hide every last shred of weakness the useless feelings hold. The colorful wolf inches toward him and puts his arms around Ricin’s shoulders and, for a moment, the pup stiffens, afraid of the comfort that the gesture offers. But Hika promises him it will be okay and Ricin allows himself to accept the gentle embrace the wolf offers. The tears he has held in since the day the brothers had been kicked out finally fall and the pup closes his eyes as he finally starts to grieve. He is unsure how long he stays in Hika’s arms, crying at the injustices of the world but he is grateful for the gentle presence of the wolf.

Time passes and when the deluge finally starts to taper off, Ricin hiccups, saying, “I’m… s… sorry. I don’t mean to be weak.” Ricin isn't sure who is apologizing to, Hikaru, Chade or the ghost of his dead father. Perhaps all of them or maybe... himself. Either way, the pup doesn’t want to leave the safety Hikaru’s arms offer, remembering another strong, loving embrace that he will never again be able to feel. At some point, Ricin had sunken into Hika, burying his face into the white fur of his chest. The pup seems content, not moving to break the contact until Hikaru is sick of holding him.
