
flutter by, butterflies

Beorn (Hunting)



Dire wolf
01-04-2022, 06:54 PM

As days passed, Lorelai grew more confident with the world beyond their den. She knew all the best rocks to snuffle under, and which shrubs threw the best shade for napping. She often watched with eager eyes as Fireside wolves went about their business, ever hopeful one would turn their way and drop off a tasty snack. Lore couldn't wait until she was big enough to go get her own snacks, and tossed out the occasional promise to the universe that she would even share 'em with her siblings and the little pups if it just meant she could get a little bit bigger a little bit faster.

So far, it hadn't worked out. Dad said they were all pretty big for pups, but she wasn't big enough. Lore harrumphed and sat in a slump, momentarily miserable. Of course... Lore's head cocked sideways, ideas crawling in between her ears. Of course, maybe if she practiced a little bit now, she would be more than ready once she got bigger. She'd be the best hunter anyone had ever seen! Lore lept back to her feet, spirit rekindled, and wheeled around in search of a target.

Grass? No, grass was boring and couldn't run away even if it wanted to. That was no good. Same for rocks. Beetles were probably too slow. A flit of motion caught her eye, and just like that Lorelai was zeroed in on the perfect target. A few yards away a plain white butterfly hovered a moment before dipping down onto an early summer wildflower to do whatever it was bugs did. Perfect. Lore sank down into her best approximation of a hunter's crouch, belly fluff tickling the ground beneath her. Closer.... closer... Until a breeze set the grass wiggling and off it went. Back at square one Lorelai groaned.

It's probably because hunters work in groups, she reasoned. It wasn't that she was a bad hunter, right? She was just a small hunter all on her lonesome. Lore strengthened her resolve and sat real still, waiting for a new target to make itself known. She'd get the next one for sure.

"Talk" "Listen" Think