
flutter by, butterflies

Beorn (Hunting)



Dire wolf
01-04-2022, 07:41 PM

Beorn had made a mess. It was an accident; he hadn't meant to track mud across their bed, but he had. He didn't see much of a problem with mud on the bed, really, but Pop had made his dad take the bedding outside and beat it clean the other day, so mud couldn't be good. Because the bedding was too bulky for Beorn to take out on his own, he'd come up with a plan of his own. He had in his mouth the rim of a bowl full of water that he'd collected from the stream. Getting it back to the den was quite the chore as his tusks made gripping the bowl difficult, but not impossible. Patience and creativity were his friend.

His steps were slow and careful and he shuffled back to the den, but not quite careful enough. "Oh," he murmured in dismay as water splashed over one side. In trying to look at how much he'd spilled, Beorn tipped his head too far the other way and splashed water out the other side. "Mm!" he squealed while shuffling to the side in a panic. Thus began several rounds of overcompensating, each ending in a little bit more water hitting the ground.

Finally, blessedly, he succeeded in reaching the den. There, with a sigh of relief, he was able to dribble the last of the water onto the mud. Beorn then set out wiping it clean, but to his dismay, the mess only spread. Afraid now that Pop or Dad would be upset with him, he began to wipe the mud around with both paws. Big smears soon marred the pale sheepskin. There was no way he could fix it! Oh, this was bad, this was really bad.

In a panic Beorn fluttered his paws over the mess as he tried to figure out what to do. He glanced around and seized upon a similar hide. Quickly, he slid the clean hide over the dirty one and boom, just like that, problem solved. Sorta.

Terrified he was going to get in trouble, Beorn fled the den. He slowed when he reached the surface and peeked around to make sure no one was looking before he climbed out. There, he breathed a sigh of relief. Now all he needed was an alibi. And lo and behold, a familiar dark shape was sitting not far away doing nothing in particular. Beorn made his way over to his sister quickly. "Lore! Loooryyy! What are you doing?"