
Feed The Hungry




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-05-2022, 03:24 PM
The fae was tepid to him at best, giving him little to no response with any of his comments. The one thing that did seem to get her attention was when he reached to lift her cloak off of her. The young woman turned a venomous glare his way and smacked his paw away from her, getting an intrigued chuckle from the dire brute. She was doing her best to reject him. Unfortunately for her, rejection was not something Sitka accepted. All it did was make her more of a challenge, and the more of a challenge she was, the sweeter she would be when he finally overcame her. She claimed she had somewhere to stay, but that didn't matter to the lecherous brute either. She could go running back to her friends after he was done with her if she truly wanted, or she could stay and enjoy the evening with him for as long as she wanted. Either way, Sitka always got his way.

"Oh, so there's a little fight in you, is there?" he commented with a darkly playful sneer that flashed all of his wickedly sharp teeth to her. If she wanted to play rough and hard to get, then he was more than happy to play along with her. "And you got a pair yourself thinkin' you're some special high-end bitch. One way or another, some brute's gonna find his way beneath your tail so long as you go 'round smellin' like that." Sitka shifted to face the girl, fixing her with a much less friendly glower. Maybe now she'd begin to understand the situation she was in. Seldom did a lady walk away from Sitka when he was interested—they never did when they were in heat. "Turns out, you already found that brute. Now, are we gonna do this the nice way or am I gonna have to show you what a little lady in heat like yourself is supposed to do?"

By now, Sitka had squared himself up against the girl, dark fire in his cold eyes. His fur bristled, lips peeling back from deadly fangs in a silent snarl, daring her to challenge him. He didn't mind roughing her up, making her bleed a little to take what he wanted. Maybe he'd shred that cloak of hers too, just for shits and giggles. It was all up to her now. Would she behave, or was this about to become fun?

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.