
Buy The Stars



08-19-2013, 01:08 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 01:09 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The alpha paced lightly at the heart of the territory, a mission in mind. She would call Valhalla together and give them a much needed update. They had suffered from losses, they had seen the birth of new life, survived a calamity, and there were things that had changed along with the passing time. The alpha trusted that they would listen to her and react accordingly, because Valhalla seemed to have a penchant for complications at their meetings. This would be different though - Chrysanthe was determined to make it such. Despite the red that she was still seeing at the corners of her eyes due to the new Glaciem King, she would not let that be the only focus of this meeting - it couldn't be, she had much to tell her members. She would save her anger for the coming battle, her members would not be prematurely subjected to it.

Her footsteps would slowly come to a halt, her tense muscles being forcefully relaxed. Lifting her head to the sky, she would call forth all of Valhalla. The howl would ring throughout the territory, and although it was not warm, as this was business, it was an open beckon for all that could listen to attend. Those that did not show were expected to have a good reason for such - this was important, and some of it urgent news she wouldn't want anyone to be left out of. Once she had summoned the masses, she would take a seat, her tail wrapping around her paws as she waited for everyone to show.
first round ends wednesday night c: Lets make this quick. It takes place after Isar shows up at the borders, but before he calls the fight for Liberty.