
flutter by, butterflies

Beorn (Hunting)



4 Years
Dire wolf
01-04-2022, 08:08 PM

Lore was doing a pretty great job of focusing, if she said so herself. It had been like three whole minutes and she had barely even blinked! … Ok maybe she had, but not that often. Not often enough to miss anything. In fact, her focus was so intense that the arrival and mishaps of her brother Beorn had gone entirely unnoticed, so when the tusked pup hollered out she almost jumped a foot in the air. At first she was frustrated; couldn’t he see she was in the middle of something? But logic fell in line soon after, and she didn’t wanna be mad at her siblings if she didn’t have to be. This was a blessing in disguise.

"I’m hunting, duh! What’s it look like?" She rolled her eyes. "Or trying to, anyways. Next butterfly I see is mincemeat. Do you wanna help?" Lore grinned, flashing her teeth. Beorn was just as big as she was and always had good ideas, he’d be a great addition to her hunting party. "They’re super fast and total scaredy-cat cats, so I figure if I can catch a butterfly I can catch anything!" Lore puffed her chest out, taking a private moment to imagine herself as big as a mountain, striking fear into the hearts of prey everywhere. One day…

Just as she was starting to add battle armor and hordes of adoring fans to her mental retinue another butterfly fluttered into view, settling to drink on a big pink flower. She gasped and dropped to the ground. "Get down! Our prey is in sight." Lore didn’t know how you were supposed to act when you hunted in a group, or all the right things she ought to say. That sounded pretty cool though, and whatever else she was sure Beorn could help her improvise. Lore began to creep forward, starting to close the dozen or so yards between them.

"Talk" "Listen" Think