
Want to play doctor?

Siren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
01-04-2022, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2022, 11:45 PM by Dalila. Edited 1 time in total.)

Over the last few days there was a slowly building headache that she had mostly been trying to ignore. Chimera was getting better and she knew if she asked he would probably take over the duties from her now, but with Aliana's pups freshly born she was trying to hold out a bit longer just so he could enjoy the time with his tiny boys. However, this headache was making it difficult to even get out of bed, much less run patrols and worry about restocking their stores of supplies after the long night. For the first few days she had been able to take some herbs for the pain and go on about her day, but this morning nothing she was taking seemed to be helping. It was strangely centralized right above her eyes, along her brow, and she had ever felt anything quite like it.

She had sent Rusalka to play with Cerberus for a while. Her daughter meant well, but an energetic puppy was not exactly helpful for how she was feeling. Dalila curled into the furs of the large bed she shared with Siren, shutting out the light filtering through the windows in hopes that maybe a nap would help. When she woke up the sharp pain hadn't dissipated much, but she noticed what felt like thin rivulets of water trickling down from her forehead between her eyes and around her temple. Blinking open her eyes, she lifted a paw to her head and when she pulled it away her paw pads were red with blood. Her ears flicked back and a bit of panic hit her, lightly tapping across the top of her head to try and feel what was going on, but since it was on her own head it was hard to figure it out. "Siren?!" she called as she lifted her head and looked around the room, hoping her sweet Siren would be nearby.

"Dalila Vista Rocha"