
Calling All Calendula Crafters



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Healer (50)

2 Years
01-04-2022, 09:10 PM
It annoyed Morgawr when Gossamer said that Aris had asked a good question. While she was tremendously lazy, she did have her pride. It vexed her more than words could describe to hear this brat praised. She knew nothing about her, but she had decided that they were enemies. Her reasoning was, well, non-existent. But hey, there was probably some reason to hate her older sister. It made this lesson more fun to have someone to fight with silently. She could even play out imagined arguments in her brain! Some of those were actually quite good, and much more engaging than the lecture.

Finally, Gossamer stopped droning and instructed them on how to actually start crafting. It was bound to happen eventually. She glanced at Aris to see whether or not she was supposed to get her materials and stuff now or wait until after their teacher stopped talking. Why did people like to talk so much? She was nearly wriggling with the desire -- she couldn't tell whether it was excitement or just boredom -- to start actually doing something. But Gossamer eventually set her free. She grabbed a bowl and started trying her best, although she hadn't particularly paid attention. She knew that the lard was put in at some point, so it wouldn't hurt to put it in first, right? It got a little stuck on the bone-thingy she was using as a spoon, so she just used her paw to swipe it into the bowl. And then onto the next steps!

Wait, what were those?

She decided to just toss in the oil, in an amount that was definitely less than a cup, maybe just about three-quarters of a cup. She then stared at the bowl quizzically, as if she would find instructions written on the side of it.