
For the moon



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
01-05-2022, 03:38 AM
Ricin may not be a hunter but instinct serves him well. When he gets ahold of the fawn’s leg, the lighter pup strengthens his grip and holds on for the ride. Chade is quick to appear, grabbing the opposite front leg from where Ricin holds the back. Grunting, he throws all of his weight into his butt and Ricin pulls backward as Chade pulls at the front. The fawn stumbles crying out in fear as Chade lets go of his leg to go for the throat. The fawn pulls away, wide eyes rolling wildly in fear as it tries to stumble away. Ricin has not let go of the fawn’s leg and it stumbles again after a few strides. Chade follows the weakening fawn, biting and tearing the throat open wider with each attack. Finally, with the mother giving one last forlorn call, the fawn’s body stills. The doe lingers, perhaps needing time to grieve her dead child but she does not approach them. Ricin releases the dead fawn’s leg and wags his tail in happiness at Chade’s triumph. The darker pup sees a pool of moonlight and points Ricin toward with.

Working together, the pups maneuver the fawn’s body into the silver light and, once they have laid it out, Ricin looks to Chade and says, “With the blood of this deer and the blood in our veins, we pledge to by each other’s sides forever. By the light of the moon and in the eyes of the goddess, we ask you to witness this bond and give it strength.” Words said, Ricin dips his paw into the fawn’s blood and smears it across Chade’s face. Dipping the paw once more, Ricin smears the blood across his own face. Then he tilts his head back, the lighter pup releases a soft howl, thanking the moon for watching over them.  When he is done, Ricin lowers his head and smiles at his brother. Quickly, moving to the fawn’s belly, Ricin says, “Well… you going to help me eat this Chade?” A smile dances on his lips as the brothers begin their mighty feast.
