
tales of a world gone wrong




5 Years
Dire wolf

01-05-2022, 04:59 PM
Oh, but the woman was wily! She asked what he intended to do about her boredom and wasted no time in looking him over. He hoped she liked what she saw, because it was what she was getting. Sitka never hid behind false pretenses, never wore a mask unless it was for a job. His intentions were always out for the world to see and he never held back. Life was too short for roadblocks and second thoughts. This woman was like a wild stallion, sizing him up and daring him with brilliant eyes that shone like blue topaz. He grinned, the smile of a rogue without a fuck to give, and chuckled in his low baritones.

"That's the million dollar question, ain't it? S'pose I could just try to kill you. Might keep us entertained for a while til one of us gives out. Reckon it'd be a shame to damage somethin' so easy on the eyes though." Another chuckle while Sitka looked her over once more as if to emphasize his point. Steely eyes turned back out over the quiet orchard then, considering her question. "We could set fire to the orchard. Maybe it'd even spread to that pack nearby. Heard they have "fire" in their name, so they might be keen for it, actually. We could go find a stash of liquor and drink til we can't stand up. We could find some of those herbs the healers use to make you feel nothin' and everythin' at the same time. We could hunt somethin' or explore somewhere." Sitka turned another grin of an untamed soul back to his fair new acquaintance. "Guess what I'm sayin' is the world is ours if we want it."

Oh, right, he supposed he should at least be polite and introduce himself, especially since he did just sort of threaten to kill her if she wanted. Least she could have is his name if that was the option she picked. "Sitka," he introduced himself with a dip of his head and a mock salute with two toes to his forehead. "And the beauty makin' me look bad by comparison is...?" A shameless flirt til the end, but Sitka would never change. Life was far too much fun this way.

"Sitka Thánatos"

Warning: Sitka is an intensely mature character. Message me for content warnings.