
tales of a world gone wrong




4 Years
01-05-2022, 08:42 PM

Jack is wild. There's something that can't hold her back... can't be held, can't be chained. Can't be held back by a damn thing. The bold stranger was decent looking, not paining her with his presence at least. The antihero tossed her head, a smirk playing on her face. Life was, in fact, too short for second thoughts. It was too short to look back, or look over her shoulder. Jack is far too bold and far too wild to even consider being held back or tamed or any of the other bullshit. Still, her tail wagged slowly, watching the strange man ever so carefully.

I could just try to kill you, at that, Jack grinned even wider. She stretched into a bow for just a moment, yawning wide. "Shit, you're welcome to try. At least it's something to do," there was a chuckle too. So easy on the eyes, damn he laid things on as thick as Jack did. She wasn't used to being on the receiving end of such treatment, but it was actually... nice. She certainly wouldn't say no to the attention, even if it was from a man. "You wanna set fire to the world and call it rain?" Her gaze flickered from the stranger to the orchard, laughing low to herself. The orchard looked nice as it was, but damn could it be even better. Nature had a burn cycle, right? Accelerating that... Jack didn't have any matches.

The world was theirs if they wanted it. What did Jack want? Hm. That was the question. Her grin was rakish, eyebrows raised as she took his name. "Sitka." She repeated, tasting the syllables as they rest in her mouth. It was short and sweet, not overly flowery... she could work with that. "Jack," she rested lazily, weight over one hind leg. Her head tossed, and she smirked. Finally, someone with enough guts to keep up with her. Jack was grateful that there was a challenge here.

"You wanna give it a shot cowboy?" It wasn't a taunt necessarily, but an invitation. She bowed low for just a moment, sneezing as she did. Right, wouldn't want to accidentally lose her life over a for-fun sort of brawl. Jack was having too much fun. Lively, her blue eyes gleaming as she tucked her chin to a degree and waited. Maybe he was all talk. Maybe it would be the most goddamn fun she'd had since washing up on the beach in the spring. Either way, there was never a dull moment. "Loser has to catch dinner." Why not throw some stakes into it, just for fun.

Jack vs Sitka for spar
Round 1/?
Age: over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Navigator & Intermediate Fighter