
what a wonder




Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
01-05-2022, 09:44 PM
Zoey nodded in agreement to the woman’s comment about her looking like an autumn leaf. That’s qhat her parents always said, and she’d never argue with them for a second. They were always right - in fact, they encouraged her to speak the whole truth, and be honest to herself and others. That meant she also had to be upfront woth her love for science, something her parenrs engraved into her all well. The girl adjusted her goggles and grinned as she said, "Yeah! Did you know that theres this stuff in leaves that makes them green? And then when they fall off trees, they can’t make that green stuff anymore? That’s when they turn orange and red like my fur!" She beamed, clearly proud of her knowledge. As she got older she’d know the more comprehensive details about how the world worked. Inoki’s encouraging comment about her following her parents’ advice to keep moving in a straight line made her feel that much smarter. "My parents were super smart and they gave me the best advice. That’s why I’m smart, too!"

After the woman’s curious comment about her goggles, Zoey shrugged. She hadn’t met many children that wandered alone. Mostly the children she’d glimpsed at had the scent of packs on them, and her parents sakd pack territory, or any pack wolf for that matter, was a big no-no. They seemed terrified themselves telling her that - she never understood why packs were so scary. Thus, no kids could really comment on her interesting headgear. They did work well, though - she was able to see anything near and far with the same clarity as any non-goggles wearing wolf. "They’re cool for sure! I just don’t really know any pups I could play with.." She replied, glancing off towards inland. She kmew there had to be pups like her out there that wanted friends, too. She’d fine them..she hoped.