
Secret Adventure



High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-05-2022, 09:52 PM

Fern certainly seems happy and Rudy’s quite pleased with his whole setup.  Later on, he’ll have to give Reddy a better thanks, both for doing his role in the morning and not spilling the beans in any fashion after that.  He doubted Reddy would care at all to listen to how things went but most likely he was watching from somewhere.  For some reason, Reddy frequently felt a need to keep an eye on him when farther from the pack.  

Fern spoke of loving him too and while she’d already told Rudy that it still sent a thrill up him to hear it again.  Rudyard knew it would be a great thing for someone to love him but he’d never thought much of it nor had he realized just how great it would feel.  Then she made a great show of what she would say about what she wanted to do today.  Rudy knew all about shows, grinning lopsidedly at her act inwardly congratulating her on making the moment count.

The challenge was thrust out and the smile faded, just a little, just to an auto-pilot style smile that seemed to fit his features so naturedly while his mind tried to catch up to what was just said.  A challenge for, what?  Had he heard right?  Wait, was he insulting her by thinking about it?  Was he going to hurt her feelings?  Hell, he hadn’t even thought about it he was just processing shock she threw up the challenge.

“You want…” Rudy had never been so shocked! Rudy imagined what would happen if he said yes or said no to the challenge.  Oh, heck with logic.  Logic got wolves to waste too much time in what-ifs and found limitations and concerns.  Did Rudy want Fern to be his? Yes.  Did he want her upset? No.  Did he want someone to steal Fern from him? No.  Why bother worrying about other details?  That wasn’t what Rudy did.

Rudyard stood up, squared up his shoulders to a formal position he rarely bothered with, “Fern Lark,” the young man spoke with a deep somber tone, “I, Rudyard Carpathius, take up your challenge and will fight for the right to pro-pose.”  Really, it ended up the same way in the end if they both wanted it right?  This was just making the moment meaningful and who got the memory of asking versus the memory of agreeing.    He glanced about the trees, “No help on this fight.”  Reddy was surely out there somewhere so best to let him know.  This was certainly a personal thing between the two of them.

Rudy strode into Fern, going straight for a bite to the side of her neck.  Often Rudy went for misdirections and deciept but this would be straightforward.  With Art and all the other giant wolves, he couldn’t really use strength against them but, with Fern, he aimed to also push himself into her to upset her balance at the same time.

Rudyard vs Fern for Spar
Round 1/2
Age:  over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Clawed leather bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Caiman hide armor
Mutation 2: Agility boost - Agility
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Hunter
Specialty: Knight

Rudyard Carpathius