
Buy The Stars



7 Years
08-19-2013, 02:26 PM

Surreal bounded after the elusive rabbit that streaked just a foot ahead of her, always a spring or twist or turn ahead. Goodness this one was hard! She was determined though. She wanted this rabbit for Luna?s Sake. And she would get it. It was fat and healthy, and sassy. And fast! She tried to lengthen her strides, legs burning, tongue lolling, slinging drool. A howl startled the rabbit, and it jumped, actually missing a step. She was on it in a snap. With a sense of great relief as well as pride of accomplishment, she carried the rabbit toward the howl. It had been a call to all from Chrysanthe. A meeting!

She trotted on tired legs toward the call, and arrived quickly, having not been very far away. With a muffled yip, she bounded forward to her elder sister and dropped the rabbit at her paws. ?He gave me such a run. I thought my legs would die. Then your call scared him, and I caught him. He ran well.? Silvery tail waved happily as mismatched blue and gold pools gazed up at Chrysanthe. She snuggled into Chrysanthe for a moment, before stepping away to Lean into her Uncle, tail wagging harder. She admired her Uncle Cormalin, wanted to be just like him, just like Castiel wanted to be just like their father.

Would he be here today? She wondered that as she licked her Uncle?s chin and turned to flop next to her mother, still panting. She wondered if there were any new members to see today. Maybe that male, Cross and his sister had joined! It?d be nice to have more friends. For now, however, she was content to stretch out beside her mother and catch her breath while others arrived. Others like Rayne. A huffed out woof of greeting was panted out at the healer.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.