
Where You Come From

Carpathius family ♡


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
01-05-2022, 11:54 PM
Tamsyn turned her head curiously toward the sound of her son's call as he summoned the family to the great hall. It wasn't all that often that they were all called together like this besides for pack related gatherings, but it didn't sound like this was for the pack as a whole, more specifically just their family. She was helping Kane put away some herbs that they had collected while they were out so she wasn't too far from the hall. She gave him a kiss and then stepped out of the pharmacy, trotting down the corridor and through the main entry way to get to the west side of the castle where the feast hall was located. "Artorias? What's going-" she began as she walked into the room, but stopped as her mint gaze landed on a figure she hadn't seen in ages and had begun to believe she would never see again. The scarred woman's mint gaze widened with shock and surprise, blinking several times as she tried to make herself realize that this wasn't a dream, this wasn't a figment of her imagination. Her long lost daughter was actually here for the first time in longer than she could even pinpoint.

"Daphne?" she said softly in disbelief, padding closer as a smile pulled across her lips. She didn't notice any lack of recognition in her daughter's face as she hurried over to greet her, relieved tears welling up in her eyes as she leaned back on her haunches so she could reach up to wrap her forelegs around her much taller daughter's neck—doing her best to avoid hitting the pale raccoon that was perched on her back. "Oh, I was so worried!" she exclaimed as she hugged her tight, her tail wagging like crazy as she realized that this meant all of her children, save for Grimshaw, were finally home, all finally under the same roof again. She couldn't remember the last time that happened and what had felt like any other ordinary day suddenly felt like one of the greatest gifts she had ever received. She leaned back after a moment, letting her forelegs fall away so she could look over Daphne worriedly, looking for any signs of injury or hurt. "Are you okay? Are you hungry? There's plenty to eat!"

Tamsyn Carpathius