
Icy Exploration




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

01-06-2022, 07:23 AM
She'd gone further north again to check out the surrounding lands, wanting to survey the area so she knew what was where, and if there were any regions that were to be closely watched. The blue bird had said there were no packs in the north, but she wanted to double check, as she wasn't often a wolf to accept information from a stranger at face value. Her family, sure, but not someone she didn't know, and especially not a bird. Iðunn managed to make her way through the snowy trenches, her long legs making it just a bit easier to escape the snow that threatened to swallow her whole, and with her lighter weight she was able to skirt around the deeper sections without too much trouble.
Eventually she came upon the strange frozen lake, but at closer inspection it looked as if there were trees and lush grasses frozen beneath the surface, which only raised more questions. She would have liked to sit and ponder for a while, had the scent of a polar bear not filled her nose and sent her on alert. They were dangerous predators, and while she wasn't too close to home it was still closer than what she would have preferred, so she silent stalked closer while doing her best to stay downwind. What she came upon was a polar bear heading straight for a large and dark wolf, who seemed a bit dumbstruck at the beast barreling his way.
For a moment she considered leaving the wolf to his fate, but then that meant she'd have to deal with the polar bear later anyway. Taking it down with the help of the other wolf was unfortunately the better idea, and so she leaped out onto the thick ice after the polar bear, shouting out loudly to draw its attention so the other wolf could have an advantage. "Over here you furred bastard!"
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish