
Whatever you're sellin, I'm not buyin




Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
01-06-2022, 07:26 AM

Considering that these lands might be cursed didn't seem implausible to her, not be any stretch of the imagination. At least she knew these event weren't confined to just Valhalla, or even the surrounding regions - the sickness and accompanying darkness was widespread, perhaps even reaching a distance greater than she could comprehend. At least she hadn't been effected as immediately as others had been. Losing some of her packmates didn't sit well with her but she'd suffered more personal losses before. She would survive this too, and she gave a half-shrug in response, not wanting to dwell too long on what she'd said. She wondered though if this foretold of their future - an endless cycle of death and loss that would repeat until the end of time, even after she was gone.

Caelia was glad to shift away from those morbid thoughts. "It does sound exactly like that, you're not wrong," she started with a faint chuckle. "I get the feeling everywhere has its own share of bullshit, though. I've heard stories of my great-grandparents who fled their home to come to these lands after a volcano erupted... and then the same thing happened here. Just a few years ago, not during their lifetime," she clarified quickly. "I'm not sure there's any greener pastures. Everywhere you go is shit in its own way, just a matter of picking the least terrible."

She'd never been quite so candid with someone she'd just met, but the long night had darkened her spirits as much as it had actually darkened the lands. Holding her tongue seemed less important now. "Like the west - it's not too bad here. It's far away from that dreaded volcano and the weather is mostly mild. Hot and dry in the coming seasons, but without the crazy weather the rest of the world gets. Usually," she added pointedly, barely smiling at the thought.