
All For You




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-06-2022, 01:52 PM
Azzurra looked at Balthier with wide sapphire eyes as her hesitation and concern was met with silence and his expression noticeably tensing. She waited for some kind of response, but instead he gripped her tighter, pulling her into another kiss. Even if she had tried to pull away it would have been impossible. She was trapped against him, far too weak to even attempt fighting her way out. She half-heartedly returned his kiss, her ears pinned back against her head while her thoughts spun with this worry that bordered on fear that fought with her need for the pleasure he gave her and the need to keep him happy.

Suddenly she felt the world shift and then he was on top of her, pinning her much smaller body under his while he continued to kiss her and silently she resigned herself to whatever he wanted to use her for, but instead he pulled away. She blinked open her eyes and looked up at him with confusion and concern, seeing this intense look on his face that she didn’t fully understand. His gaze didn’t seem to focus on hers while his paw trailed down her shoulder. For once he spoke and gave her some hint of an answer toward what was making him this way. He told her that they weren’t supposed to be together like this and her brow furrowed, but before she could question him his paw slammed into the floor beside her, startling her and pulling a small, gasping squeak from her. She stared up at him fearfully, panting lightly as she withdrew into herself, any words she might have spoken dying on her tongue.

He brought up their parents, Abaven, and even Psalm. Confusion and hurt were etched across her features. Their nonexistent parents and the pack that had never once checked on her while she was ill confused her, but something about him bringing up Psalm in this moment struck a chord and hurt her more than it probably should. Her entire life all she had ever had was their father and Balthier. Even their other siblings had mostly kept their distance while she was sick. She had no frame of reference to understand why her love and her passion for him was wrong. But the thought that there was even a possibility that this could have never come to be, that he could have gone to Psalm instead, tugged at her constant fear of being abandoned again.

Azzie reached up with gentle paws after a moment of hesitant silence, her pale paws resting on his cheeks and gently coming her claws threw his fur. "It’s okay,” she told him quietly even if she didn’t fully believe her own words. She pulled a slight smile onto her lips and leaned up to kiss the end of his nose. Even if her stomach was still churning uneasily, even if her heart was still beating wildly in her chest, she felt like she had to soothe him and calm him down to prevent anything worse from happening. He had never hit her, but the way he slammed his paw startled her badly enough that she thought he might and worried he might leave again. "We can do whatever you want… I won’t ask again,” she promised. Even if she didn’t fully understand she had at least gotten some kind of answer and it was more than she thought she’d ever get from him. "Just… Just calm down, okay?”

"Azzurra & Balthier"