
Looney Lion




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-06-2022, 03:59 PM
The weeping willows of this wood reminded Usagi much of home - their dangling tendrils flowed gently with a wafting summer breeze, lightly brushing the surfaces of the streams and water that flowed through here. The koi wolf padded through, admiring the view but not showing it on his features, always on the verge of a scowl. He always seemed angry about something, and he was. He was angry concerning the news of his father, the bastard that had drunk himself silly on Iga two years ago and leaving behind two children born to a mother that the man had never come back to recognize until recently. Even the mere thought of coming face to face with the male that had abandoned him and Kuroo made his lips curl as he treaded the woods, tones digging into the soggy earth with each step.

He soon realized the crackling of a stick nearby. The pawsteps accompanying it, however, were much larger than a wolf. Quirking a brow, the male turned his head slowly towards the source of the noise. A breath hitched in his throat as he saw the massive feline creature, face to face with a familiar gold and black wolf. He wasn’t one for heroics, but it’d be stupid of him to stand there while this tawny beast attacked a wolf that had done nothing to provoke it. Slinking down, the male crouched and made his steps as smooth and silent as possible, and when he was a decent and closer distance away, he sprinted towards the lion, launching his body into the air on muscular hind legs. He’d snap his jaws close at the lion’s neck, but upon finding it covered in a thick mane, he’d take a chunk of the lion’s ear, its yowl piercing what used to be a silent wood. The lion whipped around and attempted to swat at Usagi with its sharp claws, and the male used his agility to duck the blow and instead hop into the air and jab out a hind leg, much like a swift bunny kick, to the angry animal’s nose. His motive was to make the beast think twice about making a few wolves its meal - they could fight back.

Ooc; i’m assuming powerplay on the lion is okay but if not let me know and I can edit the thread.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—