
The Hangover

Lillith, Ulric



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
01-07-2022, 05:41 AM

Watching Lillith fall asleep in total bliss and comfort had fast become one of his most favorite things. Romulus savored the quiet stillness surrounding them in the bedroom, the only sounds besides their voices the steady breathing of his lover. He held her close to his side with strong limbs, letting her settle across his chest like a living body pillow, a smile creeping across his dark lips while she nuzzled herself into his chest like she were trying to hide away within him. Large slate-dipped paws roamed slowly up and down her back, tracing the natural feminine dips and curves of her body, following the ridge of her spine from shoulder to hip. Despite how rough they were both feeling, this moment felt like perfection to him. He would forever remember their first time together, giddy on young lust and alcohol as they made love over and over again beneath the stars, but he would also remember this moment with it—the after a of their passion, when they were left to their most raw emotions.

Lillith spoke again, mumbling in her sleepy daze about how she never wanted to fall asleep without him again. A low chuckle rumbled in Roman’s chest. Since they’d gotten together officially, Romulus had spent more nights with her in her bedroom than in his own. In a way, he’d already unofficially moved in with her. He supposed there was no reason to not move in together totally now—especially if she was planning on having as much sex as he was hoping for now that they’d both experienced the other in totality. "Hmm, guess I’m just gonna have to move in with you permanently then…" he replied between chuckles. As if Lil would ever protest that. Hell, she was probably wondering why he hadn’t done so sooner! He only had a few personal things in his mostly unused room to move down; cohabitating would come easy for them also.

But then Lillith stunned him with her final groggy confession right before she drifted off to sleep. She wanted to be his wife. Silver steel eyes flickered back open and he lifted his head to gaze down at the now sleeping girl on his chest. Had he heard her right? Roman’s heart was racing in his chest. She wanted to marry him?! A mixture of excitement and nervousness churned in his soul. On the one hand, how much different would they really be from their everyday life? The two wolves practically lived each day with one another, seldom ever parting for more than a couple of hours. On the other, was he really ready to make that sort of commitment? Romulus had always lived his life flying by the seat of his pants and following his heart’s whims. It’s why he’d never had a long term relationship before Lillith, or why he’d never settled down anywhere before. Was he really prepared to take that step?

Ah, but his throbbing head refused to dwell on the matter for long. He needed to join Lil in sleep before his body led a total revolution against him. Allowing his heavy head to flop back to the pillows, Romanc closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling consciousness blissfully drift away from him. He gave Lillith a gentle affectionate squeeze in his arms. "You will be…" he whispered under his breath, knowing she couldn’t hear him, just before he was lost to healing slumber.
