



5 Years
Extra large
08-19-2013, 05:08 PM

As he sat before her, he took the moment to look her over. He had already taken inventory of her pretty looks, but now he was realizing that her scent was one of a rogue. She was barely a yearling, and she was already living on her own? Where was her family? Did she even have a family at all? What of her parents? Did they know their daughter was out on her own, nearly starving to death? So many questions fired through Taurig's mind at all once, all without answers. Just what exactly was the story behind this little dove and how did she get to where she was right now?

She continued to eat, but he could tell that she had heard his question. Her ears folded against her skull at his words, her own icy gaze dropping to the snow beneath her paws. He watched her intently, noticing the movement of her lips and he could only assume that she was mouthing his name. Perhaps she was trying to make sure that she didn't mispronounce his name? A moment later her icy gaze returned to his, and he could see something in them, as if she were trying to tell him something through them. But what? He could see the muscles in her throat contracting, as if to make a sound, but no sound emitted from her voice box. Could she not talk? Grey brows furrowed together, ears flattening against his skull. Is there something wrong little miss? Can you not talk? came his concerned vocals. Was there something physically wrong with the girl's vocals that were limiting her speech?

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