
Pretty is as Pretty Does



08-19-2013, 05:10 PM

Cut me loose
My parachute won't let me fall
Don't be afraid of a chance for a miracle

Erani's first words, mirrored some of the girl's own thoughts. She'd always felt a kinship towards healers - one which extended to the white male she and Cross had met by Wolfpaw Lake. What had been his name? Cael! That was it! His accent had been really quite interesting. Kinda like Miss Erani's now that she thought about it. Who knows? Maybe there were related too! Wouldn't surprise her! They were even both white. Orica didn't care whether she was thinking sense or not. Her puppish thoughts went all over the place sometimes. Healing was what focused her. What gave her drive. It was really a blessing she had discovered her love of the craft early on or she might've been one of those rambling, purposeless yearlings just waiting for an excuse for their energy to explode.

Speaking of other yearlings... Orica also listened to the girl who'd introduced herself as Surreal. Orica had really wondered if this was another healer, but no no. She wanted to be a warrior. Somehow.... somehow the marbled girl had trouble seeing the other fae as a warrior. She knew what warriors were and what they did. The fighters she knew were her father Gargoyle, her old packmates Awaken and Cifer and Odin and Oxia; they killed things. They were tough. Orica couldn't place a picture of Surreal alongside such galadiators in her mind. But then again, Miss Midnight was a warrior too - she'd helped fight a bear in defense of the ground. There were many kinds of fighters, Orica reminded herself. "Well I wish you all the luck in the world!" she said in her happy, yipping, squeak.

It was then that the little medic saw a bit of white move out of the corner of her eye. Cross was walking over, bearing something on his tail. The butterfly? He gave it to Surreal, without a word. How like him - and yet - well he'd never done something like that before. Not even to Orica. For a second the little fae was jealous; not only did this Valhallan girl have different colored eyes, and a healer mom, but she also got a gift from Cross? Not fair, if you asked Orica. Oh but that was silly. She was being puppish there. She'd never really been jealous before, and she wasn't about to start now. It made her feel all sad and yucky inside. She dismissed the idea with a flick of her bat-sized ears, and even found herself giggling when the butterfly flew off. Cross seemed to think that was it and returned to his sentry post as Orica's bodyguard.

With a broom like sweep of her tail, Orica turned to look back at Erani - just in time to catch her offer. She gasped - her face lighting up like a night of shooting stars. "You'd do that? You'd be willing to teach me?" She was up on her paws without realizing it - the soft little white things squirming in the green glades of grass. Her giant tail wagged back and forth. This was wonder! Oh, but... - She stopped for a moment- It wasn't as though she could really spend too much time away from home. She certainly wasn't about to go live in Valhalla - though the people and place did seem extra nice-. "Well," she said with a measure of meekness, "I wouldn't be able to do it permanently or anything - my family still needs me back home. But I'm sure I could get permission to come down here ever now and then." Her tail was wagging crazily again. "We could spend the whole day together!" Oh she could learn so much! "- You too Cross and Surreal," she added as an afterthought. She'd love to have them along, but it was mostly said for politeness-sake. She didn't think either of the would-be warriors would find it too interesting. Unfortunately for them.
