
Desicions, Desicions


08-19-2013, 05:10 PM

The mammoth feline strode confidently through the tall vegetation, his movements causing no more noise than the rustle of the blades against themselves. He was prowling. The thought of a good turkey had filled his thoughts for days. In deep undergrowth was a good place to find the giant birds, thankfully they would not be able to fly any further than he could leap. His future meal was just as easy as simply finding the prey he so heavily craved.
Their calls were audible throughout the dense brush, their movement causing as much ruckus as their vocalizations. He would have one in his grasp within moments. In fact, one was nice enough to come to him. The giant bird stepped brazenly into his path, and with one quick motion of his incredible paw the turkey was out. Never even knowing what had hit it.
Vask took its neck into his jaws, ready to carry his prize up an adequate tree. His legs started to carry him away, but before he could go very far the sound of a distressed animal made him stop. His eyebrows pulled up in curiosity, he would need to check this out, it could quite possibly end in his next next meal. What he actually came across was much different than he expected. A tiny pup was whimpering in the very middle of the grassy forest. There was hardly a scent on her tiny form, it seemed she was left abandoned.
The turkey was dropped at her feet as he lowered his mammoth body to the ground. Vould you like some turkey tiny pup? he plucked some feather on a particularly tender spot and pushed the carcass to her with his golden nose. He'd come to enjoy the company of wolves, they seemed to be plentiful enough in the lands.
