
Looney Lion




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
01-07-2022, 12:33 PM (This post was last modified: 01-07-2022, 12:33 PM by Usagi. Edited 1 time in total.)
The mutual wolf, Balthier, seemed to appreciate his help. He couldn’t say he really felt anything towards the notion - he wasn’t the heroic type nor did he feel he was really attempting anything amazing. He was acting out of survival. It was kill or be killed. Especially with a predator of this caliber. Usagi spat out the remenants of the lion’s ear tip, the blood metallic on his tongue and soaking his chin. As the goldenrod-swirled wolf launched himself to bite at the tawny beast’s shoulder, the massive animal roared out in pain, almost whipping around to try and swat at the male who’d bitten it. He wouldn’t stand there and let the wolf fight it on its own, and a snarl bubbled in the kii wolf’s throat as he charged the lion head-on, leaping towards the crest of its neck. He maneuvered himself around so as his face was directly over the lion’s head, splaying his toes to remain standing on the animal’s coarse mane. It swung its neck around and almost reared on hind legs in an effort to get rid of the koi-splotched male, like a bronco trying to rid itself of its rider. Usagi held fast, muscles bulging and nub tail twitching angrily. God, this creature pissed him off. He reached down and sank his teeth into the lion’s face to blind it. A bone-piercing yowl rang out as his attack worked, to which then he let himself be flung off. Hitting the dirt, he called out to Balthier, "I’ll try and get his backside now!" The male shook himself off briefly from his impact, knowing he’d have a few nasty bruises to contend with after. He raced towards the angry beast’s hind legs and promptly sang his jaws into its right hind leg, wrenching at it with power from his neck. As the lion roared and attempted to shuffle towards the koi wolf, he made sure to give Balthier a wide enough field to attack the lion more, and hopefully finish it off. It was standing on its last legs, what with its heavily bleeding shoulder and eyes.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—