
Diamonds and Platinum




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
01-07-2022, 01:11 PM
Azzurra flinched as the bed creaked behind her as he stood and he spoke her name like a parent scolding a pup, making her ears pin back against her head with her gaze fixed on the floor, her paws cemented into place. His assurance that she misunderstood him felt like a lie. There was no misunderstanding the way he was acting or the way that she felt so what exactly was she misunderstanding? Did the cause of this distrust and heart ache really matter at this point? But when she managed to lift her eyes from the floor to look at him and saw his paw beaconing her closer the tug in her chest to go back to him nearly hurt more than the need to get away from this constant doubt and frustration. The only comfort and pleasure she had ever known had been in his embrace and right now when everything felt like it was shaken and turned on its head the thought of feeling anything good was incredibly tempting.

"I... I can't," she breathed after a long moment of hesitation, hearing herself speak more than saying it herself. Some piece of self preservation, some piece of her that held on tight to the little bit of self respect she had left, was begging her to leave, telling her how this wasn't right. She didn't know where else to go and it felt like she was breaking away from a huge part of herself in the process, but being here was suffocating. It was too much for her to process and before he could say anything else she hurried out the door into the cool night air. It was lightly drizzling, the mist of rain coating everything in droplets of water that were oddly refreshing and everything was lit in a pale light from the moon that peeked through the clouds.

"Azzurra & Balthier"